Tuesday, October 11, 2005

How to happily get into a (bigger) waterfall...(Koh Samui, Thailand)

After my earlier entry, a few people expressed concern regarding whether the easy-to-follow steps I suggested for getting into a waterfall, were really suitable for a bigger-sized waterfall. The answer is, of course, yes they certainly are.

Now, if we are talking about something like Niagra Falls, of course the answer is no, since you will need a barrell, a good life insurance policy, and an even better lawyer if you hope to have any chance of collecting the money from your folley.

But, in the case of a more moderately large waterfall, such as this one pictured below, found on Koh Samui, Thailand, it's as easy as 1,2,3,4.

Here we go....

You see it, a fantastic and welcoming WATERFALL!

You know the first step, test the water!

The second step, well, test some more. You never know what's in there.

But, alas, hopefully it is safe, so proceed once you are confident that it is.

And now you are ready for the final steps, having fun!!

And if you're really lucky, there may a good spot to relax after you are done, as well...

Really, that's all there is too it, it's not so different from smaller waterfalls.

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