Friday, October 14, 2005

A week on Koh Tao, Thailand (Oct. 7-12).

After passing a night in the main city in a beach hut with rather odd tiles on the walls, we opted to make our way to a more remote part of the island.

Strange tiles for beach hut?

Annoyingly, a pesky little ear infection prevented me from taking the diving course that I had planned to take, though there is always a silver lining on the clouds, and in this case it was the fact that it is unlikely we would have made it to the place that proved to be arguably the most beautiful spot on the entire trip (save for perhaps the Perhentian Islands. We flagged down one of these truly unique Thai boat taxis to get there - each boat equipped with a propellor on a long pole directly attached to a large and rusty diesel engine.

The utterly unique Thai boat engine.

...and away he went

Tanote Bay is the place to stay on Koh Tao, there is simply no question.

The view from our front porch - now this is paradise!

Home became a newly constructed (and dirt cheap) beach hut, ahem, rather close to the water.

"Honey, I'm home! What's for dinner?"

perhaps some fish for dinner, these guys were catching at night...

like these.

he seemed to enjoy watching us eat dinner.

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